It is good to hire a professional for helping in your credit repair. It saves you quite a large botheration, and you get dispassionate advice.
Who is a Professional for Credit Repair? These are experts in the field with sufficient experience and qualifications to help credit repairs. They tend to be from banks or financial institutions, and have launched into their own business after gaining experience.
You need to choose the right professional for your credit repair. The professional must has a good reputation, good contacts, and integrity, and has a good time bound execution record. Always ask for credentials and references; check them. A little extra time spent will save you from additional headaches later. You can also check with your bank to recommend one, since they themselves use these professionals.
You don't have to start immediately, even if you are sure; have a couple of meetings with the professional, so that you become comfortable with dealing with that person. Always have a back up to call. It is important for you to attain your level of comfort; You should then launch yourself into your credit repair.
Once you have hired a professional for your credit repair, you must disclose all particulars to the professional about your finances, creditors and debtors. In turn you should be advised of your legal position as a customer, consumer, and debtor, and discuss in detail the plans to setting your problem right.
Consulting you the professional for your credit repair will prepare a “Balance Sheet" and an "Income and Expense Statement". Based on these, a monthly cash flow statement would be prepared. You should tell what amounts you "have" to spend, and what "can" be avoided. Once these Statements are ready, the professional for your credit repair then has a clear picture of what your financial scenario is, and on that basis, the various options available to you will be discussed.
These range from arranging another financial intermediary that offers you lesser interest exposure, to the professional sitting down with your creditors for you and get you some breathing time. Your sitting with your creditors reflects the desire to work through your problems. It helps.
The professional for your credit repair can also consolidate your debt, where one of your creditors pays off the rest and takes their debt on to himself, for an additional fee. This helps, since you now deal with only one person.
Once a method is chosen, the professional for your credit repair will sit with you and work out a long term plan for you by drawing up a time schedule in which everything right from school fees to payment of utility bills, everything, would be listed, and arranged priority wise, so that you can start repaying part of the debt over a period of time, including the interest.
You will have to adhere to that plan and make it work. You will of course, have initial problems.
Monthly reviews would be conducted by the professional for credit repair of your income and expenses and periodic meetings with your creditors or the debt consolidator, to show them and you, how you have managed that month, will be held.
At the end of it all finally, you should come out of the woods.