Too many credit cards are a sure sign that either you have a lot of money, or you are going to go down the tube, head first. The second is the one we are concerned about. Then begins your dance with what I call the devil. Finance people can, but laymen like us? We get into credit card debt without knowing it. And one day, we find ourselves staring at our faces in the mirror wondering how did I get into this? Pure greed, let's be honest. What do you do?
The best is to find a professional firm to help you consolidate your credit card debt That firm would know how to extricate us from the pit we dug ourselves.
They would arrange for you to take a loan from another financial intermediary or institution for a fee, and you clear your credit card debts. There are numerous individuals and companies that do this every day. And they have the right language, the right connections and the right knowledge about laws and chances of recovery of credit card debts. In other words they hold the right cards to play the game for you.
The credit card teams would be too happy to toe the line. And because they can see the $$$s in their eyes suddenly popping up in the genie called a non-performing asset, they would be willing to step down and take a little lower than what you owed.
You deal with only one individual or firm for your credit card debt that has now been taken over. Your credit rating rises a bit, since the rating agencies would see that you have paid off the creditors, and of course, if you keep up the payment schedule drawn up by the new creditor, it will go on getting better.
Now, retain only one card. The rest you chop up and burn. Retain also your dignity when out on a date, and say you find cards irritating, and you are not a show-off type. You will get noticed.
And keep that credit card you retained in a place which is difficult to reach in your clothing every day, substituting the real greenbacks for their place and keep the greenbacks handy, for make only those purchases that are within the amount of greenbacks you have.
Learn to say No straight on the face of the person who next approaches with another "special offer". Take it if they offer to pay for everything. They won't bother you again.
And yes, the professional or firm you engaged for your credit card debt solution, will continue to share with you tips and don't do's. Listen and act on them. You will be the better for it.